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Solidaridad (Quintana Roo)
Playa del Carmen y su crecimiento, desarrollo de una población y su proyección en el tiempo son elementos que determinaran el éxito económico y social de las inversiones inmobiliarias, las cuales son una buena oportunidad de negocio y aumento de capitales económicos. Ejemplo de ello es Playa del Carmen, rincón mexicano que para la década de 1990 no llegaba a 10.000 habitantes. Para el año 2015, en el último censo de población del Inegi, el municipio contaba con 209,634 habitantes y para este año 2019 se estima un promedio superior a los 500,000 habitantes, indicándonos un increíble crecimiento y desarrollo. Esta ciudad contaba con una infraestructura de servicios limitada, pero en los últimos 20 años se ha desarrollado impulsando las inversiones inmobiliarias. Playa del Carmen actualmente cuenta con las más famosas cadenas y franquicias de comida rápida y restaurantes de primer mundo. Esto en parte incentivado por los más de 400 millones de pesos que se han invertido en las décadas recientes. Ubicación: 5ª Avenida esquina Av. Pintores, Playa del Carmen, Municipio de Solidaridad, Quintana Roo. (frente al Condo-hotel Mareazul Beach Resort, antes “Gran Coral” y Paradisus Resorts). Superficie: 9,333.86 M2. (topográficamente tiene una demasía de 187.99 m2.). Dimensiones: 100.64 metros de frente 5ª Avenida por 97.43 metros de fondo con Avenida Pintores (terreno irregular). Uso de suelo: Mixto Barrial/Densidad Alta/clave: MB. Densidad: 60/ viviendas o 100 cuartos Hoteleros. Documentación: Escritura Publica. No deje pasar esta oportunidad, agende cita con un asesor y asegure el éxito de su proyecto! Playa del Carmen and its growth, development of a population and its projection over time are elements that will determine the economic and social success of real estate investments, which are a good business opportunity and increase of economic capital. An example of this is Playa del Carmen, a Mexican corner that by the 1990s did not reach 10,000 inhabitants. For 2015, in the last population census of the Inegi, the municipality had 209,634 inhabitants and by this year 2019 an average of more than 500,000 inhabitants is estimated, indicating incredible growth and development. This city had limited service infrastructure, but in the last 20 years it has developed boosting real estate investments. Playa del Carmen currently has the most famous fast food chains and franchises and world's restaurants. This was partly incentivized by the more than 400 million pesos that have been invested in recent decades. Location: 5th Avenue corner Av. Pintores, Playa del Carmen, Municipality of Solidaridad, Quintana Roo. (in front of the Condo-hotel Mareazul Beach Resort, formerly "Grand Coral" and Paradisus Resorts). Surface area: 9,333.86 M2. (topographically has a too much of 187.99 m2). Dimensions: 100.64 meters front 5th Avenue by 97.43 meters of background with Avenida Pintores (irregular land)...
$ 6.067.009
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Pedro Escobedo (Queretaro)
Human Resource Department of the Ritz Hotel wishes to inform the general public about the job vacancies currently existing with the Ritz Hotel here in United Kingdom and we are looking for qualified applicant who will support our employment principles and are looking for opportunities that will be challenging The Ritz Hotel London In return offers excellent learning and career development opportunities and competitive benefit packages. WORK EXPERIENCE: A minimum of three (3) year work experience is required. BASIC MONTHLY SALARY: Basic salary ranges from £2.850 - 14,000 GBP monthly dependent on experience level. BENEFITS: Free official Traveling document processing, feeding, free Accommodation, Health Insurance, Long Term Disability, EAP (Employee Assistance Program), Paid Leaves/Holidays, Retirement Plan. AVAILABLE POSITIONS AT THE MOMENT: Food & Beverage Team Members, Executive Chef , Chef de Partie, Commis Chef Job, Pastry Chef Job, Kitchen Manager, Cashier, Bartender, Massage Therapist, Masseur, Assistant Manager of Front Office, Receptionist, Guest Relation Assistant, Room Attendant, Foreign/International Language interpreter/Translator Waiter, Waitress, Housekeeper, Cleaner, Marketing Assistant, Computer Operator. All interested applicants who meet the above requirement who would like to apply to work with RITZ HOTEL LONDON and should please send his/her Resume/CV with a covering letter to The Human Resources (Personnel) Department, RITZ HOTEL for formal review via Email: for more information as regard to the vacancies here at the Ritz Hotel London.
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