Casas en venta en Mérida Invierta en su patrimonio y el de su familia en el próximo icono turístico de la península. Mérida es una bonita ciudad, que combina un aire colonial con lo moderno, sin duda con gran atraccion para turistas y locales, lo que la hacen un excelente lugar para vivir e invertir. Amplia Casa de 2 plantas en Juan Pablo II 4 Recamaras, 2 Baños, 1 con jacuzzi, Sala, Comedor. Aire acondicionado, alarma, circuito cerrado, cable, Internet, Terraza y patio techado. Tanque de reserva de agua, Espacios para autos: 2 Centros Comerciales Cercanos, Escuelas cercanas Fraccionamiento Juan Pablo II Código postal: 97246 Agende cita con su asesor inmobiliario y haga suya esta gran oportunidad!! Houses for sale in Mérida Invest in your heritage and that of your family in the next tourist icon of the peninsula. Mérida is a beautiful city, which combines a colonial with the modern, without doubt with great attraction for tourists and locals, which make it an excellent place to live and invest. Large 2-storey house in John Paul II 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 with jacuzzi, living room, dining room. Air conditioning, alarm, closed circuit, cable, Internet, terrace and covered patio. Water reserve tank, Spaces for cars: 2 Nearby Shopping Centers, Nearby schools John Paul II subdivision Zip code: 97246 Schedule appointment with your real estate consultant and make this great opportunity yours!
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$ 790.000,00
$ 790.000,00