The GREAT ARAGON PYTHONS BROTHERHOOD have always been both venerated and feared throughout the world, but perhaps none so much as in Hindu, Tantric and African traditions. What are the Naga? They are the Lords of ancient times, more akin to the Orishas of Santeria than to the remote gods of Olympus. And, like the Orishas, they are far more accessible. magic is more than a mythic and historical account of the Naga. It is also a Grimoire of practical and spiritual rituals. spirits are seen everywhere in African iconography and practices, but because of the extremely ancient and grass roots origin of their worship, they are only rarely mentioned in traditional religious texts. This parallels the prehistoric worship of similar spirits across the ancient world in many places under many names. In most Eastern and Western animist or African traditions, demigods are positive beings manifesting as spiritual guardians. Often these spirits are associated with springs, rivers, lakes and oceans as well as the numinous chthonian world below, as are the GREAT ARAGON PYTHONS BROTHERHOOD. wisdom has the power to enlighten us about the ancient, often forgotten spirits, their magician rituals and their place in helping us to heal Nature. Whether you wish to learn the history and mythos of the Spirits, or if you wish to work directly with these luminous beings, Magic provides unique access to the power and wisdom of the Lords. THE GREAT ARAGON PYTHONS Magics includes many Illustrations and an extensive Glossary.Do you want to have a Super-Power, riches, wealth and protection, what Super-Power would you want to have? What propels you, what propels us all to consider greater limitlessness, whether for ourselves or humanity, and beyond, at large?Longing for infinity is at the core of every living being, constant from their, from our inception into life, into the Universe, to our greatest fulfillment, constant right along with our pursuit of happiness. Going beyond...
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